Articles on: Features

Cancel/Reschedule an Appointment from Admin

If you have your customers reaching out to you to have their bookings rescheduled/cancelled, or, if they made a booking at the last minute that you are unable to fulfil, you can easily reschedule/cancel the bookings through Admin(available on all of our plans).

Also, the Email notifications for Rescheduling/Cancellation or changes to the event are sent to both the customers as well as the admins.

Here’s how you can Reschedule/Cancel an existing booking:

Head over to Appointo > Bookings > Manage Booking.

For Rescheduling, click on the Reschedule Booking button and select a time to reschedule the booking to.

For cancellation, click on the Cancel Booking button and the booking will be cancelled and would show up in the tab for Cancelled bookings(Appointo > Bookings > Cancelled).

You can also Cancel/Reschedule booking for individual customer as well in case of Group Appointments.

To understand the feature better we have created an interactive demo. Please use this demo to understand the feature:

If you still have any queries or concerns, please send us an Email at: or schedule a call with us.

Updated on: 13/08/2024

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