Articles on: Features

Teams in Appointo

Appointo has a teams feature which allows you to add team members to Appointo.

Some of the benefits of teams features is :

Members get their dashboard outside of Shopify where they can login and manage all their availability

Members can connect their own calendar

Members can set their working hours independently

No need to provide the Shopify access

They can block their calendar without the need of admin

Admin can restrict certain data for team members like order number, price, customer details etc.

Teams in Appointo is built for teams of any size and any number of team members can be added to the system for $10/m/team member

To understand the feature better we have created an interactive demo. Please use this demo to understand the feature:

If you still have any queries or concerns, please send us an Email at: or schedule a call with us.

Updated on: 13/08/2024

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