Articles on: Other Common Questions

In cart page, currently there are extra line item properties '_timezone' and '_start_time' being added. How can I hide/remove those?

By default, any line item properties starting with '_' are known as hidden line item properties. It means those line item properties will not be visible in your cart page but will be hidden. Both fields are essential for Appointo to function correctly.

If you are seeing above line item properties in your store, it implies hidden line item properties functionality is not supported by your theme. In that case, it is extremely easy to add support for the same.

Please follow the steps as mentioned in this Shopify Forum link

Once the above setting is added to your theme, it will work as expected and above line item properties will be hidden in the cart page.

If you still have any queries or concerns, please send us an Email at: or schedule a call with us.

Updated on: 11/04/2024

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