It's currently showing 'Error in Calendar Integration' in Appointo. What can I do to fix it?
Do you have an iOS/Android app?
Calendar is not showing up on the store, what should i do?
App is not performing well. What can I do?
I want to cancel my Appointo subscription, how can I do that?
In cart page, currently there are extra line item properties '_timezone' and '_start_time' being added. How can I hide/remove those?
My team member cannot verify their account
Does Appointo work on pages other than product page?
Appointo <> Depo
My calendar doesn't show the right timings? How do i fix that
How can i create a page which shows all my services?
How can i show a calendar view with all my availabilities?
Will i be charged double if i upgrade for a plan when i have already paid for a different one?
I see a calendar popup on the right side of my product page. I want it to show up with add to cart button
I have customers from multiple timezones. How can i lock the timezone so that they all see one timezone?
I want to change my admin email or add additional emails as admin?
How do i setup physical appointments?
Can i have the calendar in the checkout page?
I have changed the theme and now the calendar doesn't show up. What should i do?
I want to create an appointment without attaching it to product, How can i do that?
How do i setup digital appointments?
I want to test Appointo but not on a live site. How can i do that?
How do i hide the price of a free service?
How do i hide the quantity of a free service?